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Query report

It helps you to structure reports of you application, and make them DRY


By default query report supports 3 type of filters 1. text (using ransack equality filter) 2. boolean (provides a drop down of ''/yes/no choices) 3. date (a date between filter with ransack gteq and lteq)

reporter(User.scoped) do
    filter :name, type: :text
    filter :created_at, type: :date
    filter :married, type: :boolean
    column :name
    column :age

By default query report generates the date input with the HTML 5 date type. But you can change any of the filter to look the way you want.

Custom filter with supported types

If you want to customize the filter and write your own query to do so, then you can do it as follows,

reporter(User.scoped) do
    #supporting text filter
    filter :name, type: :text do |query, name|
        query.where("name like ?", "%#{name}%")
    #supporting date filter
    filter :created_at, type: :date do |query, from, to|
        query.where("created_at >= ? and created_at =< ?",
                     from.to_date.beginning_of_day, to.to_date.end_of_day)
    #supporting boolean filter
    filter :married, type: :boolean do |query, married|
        query.where(married: married)

    column :name
    column :age

Custom filter with custom defined type

If you want to add a custom filter that you want to reuse for other reports, such as user auto complete,

reporter(User.scoped) do
    #supporting text filter
    filter :name, type: :user do |query, name|
        query.where("name like ?", "%#{name}%")
    column :name
    column :age

As you can see we have defined the filter type as 'user', which we are going to support in the next section.

Now copy the queryreportfilter_helper.rb from the gem in to your helper folder. And define your user auto complete as follows,

def query_report_user_filter(name, value, options={})
    user_name = User.find(value).name rescue ''

    hidden_field_id = name.delete(']').gsub(/\[/, '_')
    concat user_search_field_tag "#{name}[search_field]", user_name, options.merge(:'sync-id' => hidden_field_id)
    hidden_field_tag name, value

If you define a custom type which is not supported by query report by default then query report will expect that you have defined a helper function as follows,

 def query_report__filter(name, value, options={})

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